A professional Cameraman and Sound Engineer with Thirty Years Experience in Broadcasting and Filming Weddings. Also a Qualified CAA Drone Pilot andFully Insured. I always like to meet my clients to discus every detail of their special day along with visiting the wedding venue to capture the best footage on the day.

We offer three packages that include – BEECH PACKAGE – Includes, Filming Guest Arriving, the Wedding Ceremony, Photo Shoot, Wedding Breakfast, Cutting of the Cake and the First Dance Together. 2 DVDs ELM PACKAGE – Includes, Filming Guest Arriving, the Wedding Ceremony, Toast & Drinks, Photo Shoot, Toast Drinks, Wedding Breakfast, Speeches, Cutting of the Cake and the First Dance Together. 2 DVDs and 1 USB OAK PACKAGE – Includes, Brides Prep, Filming Guest Arriving, the Wedding Ceremony, Toast & Drinks, Photo Shoot, Toast Drinks, Wedding Breakfast, Speeches, Cutting of the Cake and the First Dance Together & Video Diary. 3 DVDs & 2 USBs

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With as much notice as possible

Maecenas et lorem sit amet arcu commodo ornare. Sed ut neque eget velit suscipit condimentum. Vivamus placerat volutpat felis, eget interdum et augue. Donec erat mi, ullamcorper molestie arcu vitae, auctor finibus magna. Praesent vitae tempus ante, vitae sollicitudin velit. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam perspiciatis unde omnis totam rem.

No we do not cover multiple weddings, my partner and I work as a team, we work solely for you, if we take on filming your wedding I guarantee we do not sent a third party to film your wedding.

Maecenas et lorem sit amet arcu commodo ornare. Sed ut neque eget velit suscipit condimentum. Vivamus placerat volutpat felis, eget interdum et augue. Donec erat mi, ullamcorper molestie arcu vitae, auctor finibus magna. Praesent vitae tempus ante, vitae sollicitudin velit. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam perspiciatis unde omnis totam rem.

Yes we do travel the whole world.

Nam gravida molestie metus. Curabitur rutrum iaculis lorem eget pellentesque. Nulla nec malesuada elit. Ut imperdiet nisi in odio dignissim commodo. Phasellus tincidunt odio in ante elementum imperdiet. Nam molestie viverra pellentesque. Duis eget nibh nec nunc consequat tincidunt. Donec et luctus ipsum. Praesent turpis turpis, aliquet a rutrum nec, rutrum vitae enim. Sed quis ornare lorem, nec volutpat risus. Integer ante quam, mattis nec elementum eget, tempus nec massa. Nullam vitae convallis mauris, ac lobortis lectus. Morbi eu convallis odio, eget vulputate diam. Sed euismod felis ac erat scelerisque suscipit. Morbi gravida nulla sed eros venenatis eleifend non ut nibh. Cras fermentum purus non gravida semper.

As a Broadcast Cameraman all of our equipment is high end with high spec lenses, we have many comments and feedback from our clients that say they loved the footage

Pentru a simplifica procedura, acceptăm doar virament în contul firmei. Tranzacția este sigură și rapidă.

We first arrange a meeting if you wish, take a retainer of £100, arrange a contract for filming your Wedding. Payment in full upon completion when DVDs and USBs are delivered

Maecenas et lorem sit amet arcu commodo ornare. Sed ut neque eget velit suscipit condimentum. Vivamus placerat volutpat felis, eget interdum et augue. Donec erat mi, ullamcorper molestie arcu vitae, auctor finibus magna. Praesent vitae tempus ante, vitae sollicitudin velit. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam perspiciatis unde omnis totam rem.

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